Walking Since 1939

Day Walks & Social Events

Saturday and Sunday Walks

  • Our day walks on Saturdays and Sundays (or public holidays) are located in the region around Melbourne. They may be an urban walk or located outside the metropolitan area no more than around two hours drive from the CBD.
  • Each walk is graded according to its difficulty. Refer to our Walking Grades for day walks.
  • There is a limit on the group size as determined by the walk leader. This is typically around 10 to 20.
  • Transport to and from the walk may involve public transport or car-pooling, depending on its location.
  • To join a walk, you must book in to the walk via our website. To view the details about a specific walk, click on the event name on the Current Walks Program. Prior to booking in, you should read the details on the event page including Walk Description, Transport, Booking, What to Bring, Safety and Ambulance Insurance. To book in, submit a booking request from the bottom of the event page. If bookings haven’t opened, the dates when bookings open for members and non-members will be displayed.
  • Bookings usually open for members about three weeks before the event and normally close around 8pm on the Wednesday or Thursday beforehand, but check the event details. You can view details about Booking Period and Availability by clicking on “show details” against the relevant booking option at the bottom of the event page. When an event is full, there may be an option to join the Wait List.
  • Once bookings have closed, the walk leader will advise the group of details about meeting time and place, and transport.

Social or Non-bushwalking events

  • Sometimes, we have social or non-bushwalking events which are included on the Current Walks Program.
  • This may include evening walks, typically through parklands and other public places in inner-urban locations, often using public transport. These may include an optional dinner afterwards at a nearby pub or restaurant.
  • Non-bushwalking activities may include first aid training, navigation training, search and rescue training, or track/wildlife habitat maintenance.
  • We sometimes have purely social events such as dinners or film nights.
  • Refer also to Club Nights.