Walking Since 1939

Covid update 1/10/21

Covid Update

We wanted to update you on the impact of the Victorian Roadmap and what that means for recommencing our walk program. We are currently working with Bushwalking Victoria to ensure we have a full understanding of the requirements that will apply to us.


When will the walk program recommence?
We think that the best time to recommence walking will be when Victoria reaches 80% double dose vaccination rate (indicative date 5th November 2021). Prior to that point, there are still restrictions on how far people can travel from home, so organising group walks is complicated for a club like ours which has members from all parts of Melbourne and beyond.


At 80% fully vaccinated, regional Victoria and Metro Melbourne come under the same rules, the restriction on travel distance no longer applies, masks are only required inside and up to 30 fully vaccinated people can gather in public outside, so the walk program can recommence for those that are fully vaccinated. Leaders will continue to determine the number of walkers they wish to have on their walks up to a limit of 30. Walks will continue to be pre-booked.


How will the restriction on being fully vaccinated be monitored?
The Committee is still working through how the requirement for participants to be fully vaccinated will work, and what our obligations and rights as a Club or a leader/member/walker are.


Will carpooling be available when the program recommences?
As bus tours can recommence at 80% double dose vaccination, carpooling with fully vaccinated participants should be possible at that milestone. Drivers will continue to have the ultimate say as to whether car pooling is an option.


Membership Extension
Anyone who was a member as of 6th August 2021 will get 6 months extension on membership expiry date