Walking Since 1939

Western Plains Traverse (Bogong)


Trip Overview

Join us for a 3-day hike in the Alpine National Park taking in Mt Fainter, Mt Jaithmathang, and the Bogong High Plains.

awildland: Mt Jaithmathang - Alpine National Park


We will be camping between the Mt Fainter North and Mt Fainter South on the first night. The second night will see as camping next to Ryders Hut.


Itinerary and Walk Descriptions

Distance: 42 km

We will be starting at 8am on Friday, 26 January, so it will be best if people arrive the night before. However, if someone wants to get up early and drive that’s fine too.
Day 1 (Fri, 26 Jan) – 15 km (6hr)
Before starting the walk we will have to leave some cars at Langford Gap, the round trip will take 1.5 hours.
Starting from Roper Track we head west then south to Bogong Jack Saddle. We continue south and drop the packs for a side trip to Mt Fainter North before descending to the first night’s camp spot between Mt Fainter North and Mt Fainter South.
Day 2 (Sat, 27 Jan) – 17 km (5hr)
Leaving camp we continue south and soon drop pack for a visit to Mt Fainter South then continue to Mt Jaithmathang. Just missing the Tawonga Huts we continue south-east to spend the night at Ryders Yards.
Day 3 (Sun, 28 Jan) – 11 km (3hr)
The final day sees us heading north-east past Cope Hut and Rover Lodge to finish at Langford Gap before lunchtime.
The car shuffle between Langford Gap and Bogong Village will take 1.5 hours.


Transport to and from the walk location is by car. Please indicate your transport requirements and preferences on the booking request form when you book in.

If you don’t have a car, we can’t guarantee to provide you with a lift – this will depend on available drivers and their locations.

Drivers can choose whether they wish to take passengers or not.

Passengers must pay the driver their share of car-pooling costs as described on the Car-pooling page. Please discuss the preferred method of payment with your driver.



Booking is required for this walk. Please indicate what similar walks you have done recently (that is, in the past few months) to give the leader confidence that you are capable of doing this hike. Refer to Walking Grades which, in conjunction with the walk description, will help you assess whether you have the required walking fitness and experience to do this walk.

The Leader will confirm your acceptance on the walk, or not, via email.  The leader will provide details of where and when to meet.

By booking into this event you acknowledge that you agree to abide by our Code of Conduct.

Booking Fee:
Members: free.     Non-members: $10.

To avoid handling cash, non-members are required to pre-pay their booking fee by PayPal or credit/debit card.

If you need to cancel, please advise the leader as soon as possible, so that someone else has the opportunity.
There will be no refunds, so please do not book unless you are fully committed to walking.


What to Bring

• All the equipment, clothing, food and water you will need for the walks and overnight stays (refer Trip details above).

Refer to our Gear Checklist page for more details, or discuss with the leader.  If you are not properly equipped, the walk leader can decide not to let you participate on this walk.


Emergency Club Contact

The emergency club contact for this walk is Ken.  The leader can provide you with the contact’s phone number, if you wish to pass this on to any friend/family member who may be concerned if you return late.


COVID-19 Requirements

  • You should not be attending this event if you are Covid-19 positive and/or are required to be in quarantine or isolation.
  • If you have any Covid-19 symptoms or are a contact of someone with Covid-19, please follow the instructions in the Coronavirus Victoria website.


Safety and Ambulance Insurance

We strongly recommend that you have Ambulance cover. If conditions are hazardous, the walk may be cancelled. If any doubts at all, check your emails the night before and the morning of the event. For more details refer to: Joining a walk and your safety


Still have questions?

Check out What happens on a walk.

Check out Weekend and extended walks.

Contact the leader using the “Enquiry” button.

Activity Date(s)


January 26, 2024 8:00 am


January 28, 2024 12:00 pm







Frank P

Booking Request

We're sorry, but all bookings have closed because the event is expired.